§ 143‑345.5. Programfor location and construction of future public buildings.
The Department ofAdministration is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to formulate along range building policy program and shall cooperate with the governing boardof the City of Raleigh in zoning property adjacent to or in the vicinity of theCapitol Square when and if the City of Raleigh desires to zone said property.If the Department of Administration is of opinion that property adjacent to orin the vicinity of the Capitol Square will, in the future, be needed for Statebuilding purposes, it shall so advise the governing body of the City ofRaleigh. At such times as the governing body of the City of Raleigh shallrezone property adjacent to or within four blocks of the State Capitol, itshall request an opinion from the Department of Administration as to whetherthe Department finds a future need for such property for State buildingpurposes. In the event that the governing board of the City of Raleigh isinformed by the Department of Administration that any property herein coveredbe needed for building purposes by the State in the future, the governing bodyof the City of Raleigh shall give full consideration to such opinion of theDepartment before making any rezoning order. Notwithstanding any otherprovision of law, no local zoning ordinance shall apply to any State‑ownedbuilding built or to be built on any State‑owned land within six blocksof the State Capitol without the consent of the Council of State. (1951, c. 1132; 1957, c. 215,s. 2; 1971, c. 1097, s. 4; 2007‑482, s. 1.)