§ 143‑410. Purpose.
The purpose of the Department of Cultural Resources shall be:
(1) To preserve and maintain the Executive Mansion, located at200 North Blount Street, Raleigh, North Carolina, as a structure havinghistorical significance and value to the State of North Carolina;
(2) To improve the furnishing of the Executive Mansion byencouraging gifts and objects of art, furniture and articles which may havehistorical value, and to approve major changes in the furnishings of theMansion;
(3) To recommend to the Department of Administration any majorrenovations to the Executive Mansion which the Department of CulturalResources deems necessary to preserve and maintain the structure;
(4) To keep a complete list of all gifts and articles received,together with their history and value; and
(5) To publicize work of the Executive Mansion Fine ArtsCommittee. (1967, c. 273, s.2; 1973, c. 476, s. 67.)