§ 143‑506.12. Policy areas.
The following program area guidelines shall become the policy for theState of North Carolina:
(1) To encourage diversified job growth in different areas ofthe State, with particular attention to those groups which have suffered fromhigh rates of unemployment or underemployment, so that sufficient workopportunities at high wage levels can exist where people live;
(2) To encourage the development of transportation systems thatlink growth areas or centers together with appropriate levels of service;
(3) To encourage full support for the expansion of family‑ownedand operated units in agriculture, forestry and the seafood industry as thebasis for increasing productive capacity;
(4) To encourage the development and use of the State's naturalresources wisely in support of Balanced Growth Policy while fulfilling theState's constitutional obligation to protect and preserve its natural heritage;
(5) To promote the concept that a full range of humandevelopment services shall be available and accessible to persons in all areasof the State;
(6) To encourage the continued expansion of early childhood,elementary, secondary and higher education opportunities so that they areimproving in both quality and availability;
(7) To encourage excellent technical training for NorthCarolina workers that prepares them to acquire and hold high‑skill jobsand that encourages industries which employ high‑skill workers to locatein the State;
(8) To encourage the availability of cultural opportunities topeople where they live;
(9) To encourage the expansion of local government capacity formanaging growth consistent with this Balanced Growth Policy; and
(10) To encourage conservation of existing energy resources andprovide for the development of an adequate and reliable energy supply, whileprotecting the environment. (1979, c. 412, s. 7.)