§ 143‑533. Creation, appointment of members; members ex officio.
There is hereby created a Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies to consistof three representatives to be appointed by the Speaker of the House, (or aperson designated by the Speaker) three senators to be appointed by thePresident Pro Tempore of theSenate, three citizens to be appointed by the Governor, and three citizens tobe appointed by the Governor‑elect upon certification of his election. Of the three citizens appointed to the Committee by the Governor, only two maybe of the same political party. The Speaker of the House, the President of the Senate, (or a person designated bythe President of the Senate), theGovernor, and, upon certification of their election, all members‑elect ofthe Council of State, shall be ex officio members of the Committee on InauguralCeremonies. (1975, c. 816;1981, c. 47, s. 2; 1991, c. 739, s. 25.)