§ 143‑546.1. Duties of Secretary; cooperation with federal rehabilitation servicesadministration or successor.
(a) [Duties of Secretary]. In carrying out the purposes ofthis Article, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Servicesshall:
(1) Ensure the cooperation of other divisions in the Departmentof Health and Human Services in implementing the provisions of this Article;
(2) Cooperate with other departments, agencies, andinstitutions, both public and private, in providing for the vocationalrehabilitation and independent living of individuals with disabilities, instudying the problems involved, and in establishing, developing, and providingthe programs, facilities, and services necessary to implement this Article;
(3) Conduct research and gather statistical data related to thevocational rehabilitation and independent living needs of individuals withdisabilities; and
(4) Administer the expenditure of funds made available byappropriations by the General Assembly by grants from the federal government,and by gifts, grants, or reimbursements from private or public sources, orother sources, and any combination thereof for vocational rehabilitation andindependent living services. Gifts or donations, from either public or privatesources, as may be offered unconditionally or under conditions that are properand consistent with this Article, shall be deposited in the State treasury in afund to be known as the "Vocational Rehabilitation and Independent LivingState Program Fund".
(b) Federal Funds. In accepting federal funds provided underthe Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the State accepts all of theprovisions and benefits of the Act. The Department of Health and Human Servicesshall:
(1) Cooperate with the Federal Rehabilitation ServicesAdministration or its successor agency in the administration of theRehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
(2) Administer vocational rehabilitation and independent livingservices provided in cooperation with the Federal Rehabilitation ServicesAdministration or its successor agency through an approved State plan;
(3) Adopt rules as required by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,as amended, and federal regulations promulgated pursuant to it. (1995, c. 403, s. 2(b); 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a).)