§ 143‑60. Rulescovering certain purposes.
The Secretary ofAdministration may adopt, modify, or abrogate rules covering the followingpurposes, in addition to those authorized elsewhere in this Article:
(1) Requiring reports byState departments, institutions, or agencies of stocks of supplies andmaterials and equipment on hand and prescribing the form of such reports.
(2) Prescribing themanner in which supplies, materials and equipment shall be delivered, storedand distributed.
(3) Prescribing the mannerof inspecting deliveries of supplies, materials and equipment and makingchemicals and/or physical tests of samples submitted with bids and samples ofdeliveries to determine whether deliveries have been made in compliance withspecifications.
(4) Prescribing themanner in which purchases shall be made in emergencies.
(5) Providing for suchother matters as may be necessary to give effect to foregoing rules andprovisions of this Article.
(6) Prescribing themanner in which passenger vehicles shall be purchased.
Further, the Secretary ofAdministration may prescribe appropriate procedures necessary to enable theState, its institutions and agencies, to obtain materials surplus or otherwiseavailable from federal, State or local governments or their disposal agencies. (1931, c. 261, s. 11; 1945,c. 145; 1957, c. 269, s. 3; 1961, c. 772; 1971, c. 587, s. 1; 1975, c. 879, s.46; 1981, c. 268, s. 2; 1983, c. 717, ss. 67, 68; 1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c.955, ss. 89, 90; 1987, c. 282, s. 27; c. 827, s. 217; 2006‑203, s. 85.)