§ 143‑64.05. Servicecharge; receipts.
(a) The State agencyfor surplus property may assess and collect a service charge for theacquisition, receipt, warehousing, distribution, or transfer of any Statesurplus property and for the transfer or sale of recyclable material. Theservice charge authorized by this subsection does not apply to the transfer orsale of timber on land owned by the Wildlife Resources Commission or theDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
(b) All receipts fromthe transfer or sale of surplus, obsolete, or unused equipment of Statedepartments, institutions, and agencies that are supported by appropriationsfrom the General Fund, except where the receipts have been anticipated for orbudgeted against the cost of replacements, shall be credited by the Secretaryto the Office of State Treasurer as nontax revenue.
(c) A department,institution, or agency may retain receipts derived from the transfer or sale ofrecyclable material, less any charge collected pursuant to subsection (a) ofthis section, and may use the receipts to defray the costs of its recyclingactivities. A contract for the transfer or sale of recyclable material to whicha department, institution, or agency is a party shall not become effectiveuntil the contract is approved by the Secretary of Administration. TheSecretary of Administration shall adopt rules governing the transfer or sale ofrecyclable material by a department, institution, or agency and specifying theconditions and procedures under which a department, institution, or agency mayretain the receipts derived from the transfer or sale, including theappropriate allocation of receipts when more than one department, institution,or agency is involved in a recycling activity. (1991, c. 358, s. 2; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 900,s. 24; 1998‑223, s. 2; 2006‑231, s. 3; 2007‑323, s. 11.1.)