§ 143‑663. Powers andduties.
(a) The Board shallhave the following powers and duties:
(1) To establish andoperate the Network as an integrated system of State and local governmentcomponents for effectively and efficiently storing, communicating, and usingcriminal justice information at the State and local levels throughout NorthCarolina's law enforcement, judicial, juvenile justice, and correctionsagencies, with the components of the Network to include electronic devices,programs, data, and governance and to set the Network's policies andprocedures.
(2) To develop and adoptuniform standards and cost‑effective information technology, afterthorough evaluation of the capacity of information technology to meet thepresent and future needs of the State and, in consultation with the Office ofInformation Technology Services, to develop and adopt standards for entering,storing, and transmitting information in criminal justice databases and forachieving maximum compatibility among user technologies.
(3) To identify thefunds needed to establish and maintain the Network, identify public and privatesources of funding, and secure funding to:
a. Create the Networkand facilitate the sharing of information among users of the Network; and
b. Make grants to localgovernment users to enable them to acquire or improve elements of the Networkthat lie within the responsibility of their agencies or State agencies;provided that the elements developed with the funds must be available for useby the State or by local governments without cost and the applicable Stateagencies join in the request for funding.
(4) To provideassistance to local governments for the financial and systems planning forNetwork‑related automation and to coordinate and assist the Network usersof this State in soliciting bids for information technology hardware, software,and services in order to assure compliance with the Board's technicalstandards, to gain the most advantageous contracts for the Network users ofthis State, and to assure financial accountability where State funds are used.
(5) To provide a liaisonamong local government users and to advocate on behalf of the Network and itsusers in connection with legislation affecting the Network.
(6) To facilitate thesharing of knowledge about information technologies among users of the Network.
(7) To take any otherappropriate actions to foster the development of the Network.
(b) All grants or otheruses of funds appropriated or granted to the Board shall be conditioned oncompliance with the Board's technical and other standards. (1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 18,s. 23.3(a); 2003‑284, s. 17.2(b); 2004‑129, s. 43.)