North Carolina Postal History Commission.
§ 143‑675. Commission established; purpose;members; terms of office; quorum; compensation; termination.
(a) Establishment. There is established the North CarolinaPostal History Commission. The Commission shall be located within theDepartment of Cultural Resources for organizational, budgetary, andadministrative purposes.
(b) Purpose. The purpose of the Commission is to advise theSecretary of Cultural Resources on the collection, preservation, cataloging,publication, and exhibition of material associated with North Carolina's postalhistory.
(c) Membership. The Commission shall consist of 16 members, asfollows:
(1) Four persons appointed by the Governor, two of whom shall berecommended by the President of the North Carolina Postal History Society.
(2) Four persons appointed by the President Pro Tempore of theSenate, two of whom shall be recommended by the President of the North CarolinaPostal History Society.
(3) Four persons appointed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, two of whom shall be recommended by the President of the NorthCarolina Postal History Society.
(4) Four persons appointed by the Secretary of CulturalResources, two of whom shall be recommended by the President of the NorthCarolina Postal History Society.
The members appointed to the North Carolina Postal History Commissionshall be chosen from among individuals who have education or experience in thefields of archives preservation, North Carolina history, historicaladministration, museum administration, or a knowledge of North Carolina'spostal history.
(d) Terms. Members shall serve for the duration of theCommission. Initial terms shall commence July 1, 1997.
(e) Chair. The chair shall be elected biennially from themembership of the Commission from among its members. The initial term shallcommence July 1, 1997.
(f) Vacancies. Vacancies resulting from the resignation of amember or otherwise shall be filled in the same manner in which the originalappointment was made, and the term shall be for the balance of the unexpiredterm.
(g) Compensation. The Commission members shall receive nosalary as a result of serving on the Commission but shall receive per diem,subsistence, and travel expenses in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 120‑3.1,138‑5, and 138‑6, as applicable.
(h) Removal. Members may be removed in accordance with G.S.143B‑13.
(i) Meetings. The chair shall convene the Commission. TheCommission shall meet at least quarterly until an exhibit on postal history ismounted and at least semiannually thereafter.
(j) Quorum. A majority of the members of the Commission shallconstitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The affirmative vote of amajority of the members present at meetings of the Commission shall benecessary for action to be taken by the Commission.
(k) Termination of Commission. The Commission shall terminateJune 30, 2000. (1997‑443, s.30.5.)