Article 76.
North Carolina Geographic Information CoordinatingCouncil.
§ 143‑725. Council established; role of theCenter for Geographic Information and Analysis.
(a) Council Established. The North Carolina GeographicInformation Coordinating Council ("Council") is established todevelop policies regarding the utilization of geographic information, GISsystems, and other related technologies. The Council shall be responsible forthe following:
(1) Strategic planning.
(2) Resolution of policy and technology issues.
(3) Coordination, direction, and oversight of State, local, andprivate GIS efforts.
(4) Advising the Governor, the General Assembly, and the StateChief Information Officer as to needed directions, responsibilities, andfunding regarding geographic information.
The purpose of this statewide geographic information coordinationeffort shall be to further cooperation among State, federal, and localgovernment agencies; academic institutions; and the private sector to improvethe quality, access, cost‑effectiveness, and utility of North Carolina'sgeographic information and to promote geographic information as a strategicresource in the State. The Council shall be located in the Office of theGovernor for organizational, budgetary, and administrative purposes.
(b) Role of CGIA. The Center for Geographic Information andAnalysis (CGIA) shall staff the Geographic Information and Coordinating Counciland its committees. CGIA shall manage and distribute digital geographicinformation about North Carolina maintained by numerous State and localgovernment agencies. It shall operate a statewide data clearinghouse andprovide Internet access to State geographic information. (2001‑359, s. 1; 2004‑129, s. 44.)