§ 143‑746. Internalauditing required.
(a) Requirements. AState agency shall establish a program of internal auditing that:
(1) Implements aneffective system of internal controls that safeguards public funds and assetsand minimizes incidences of fraud, waste, and abuse.
(2) Ensures programs andbusiness operations are administered in compliance with federal and state laws,regulations, and other requirements.
(3) Reviews theeffectiveness and efficiency of agency and program operations and service delivery.
(4) Periodically auditsthe agency's major systems and controls, including:
a. Accounting systemsand controls.
b. Administrativesystems and controls.
c. Electronic dataprocessing systems and controls.
(b) Internal AuditStandards. Internal audits shall comply with current Standards for theProfessional Practice of Internal Auditing issued by the Institute for InternalAuditors or, if appropriate, Government Auditing Standards issued by theComptroller General of the United States.
(c) Appointment andQualifications of Internal Auditors. Any internal auditor employed by a Stateagency shall at a minimum have a bachelor's degree from an accredited collegeor university and:
(1) Certification orlicensure as a certified public accountant, certified internal auditor,certified fraud examiner, certified information systems auditor, professionalengineer, or attorney; or
(2) A minimum of fiveyears' experience in internal or external auditing, management consulting,program evaluation, management analysis, economic analysis, industrialengineering, or operations research.
(d) Director ofInternal Auditing. The agency head shall appoint a Director of InternalAuditing who shall report to the agency head and shall not report to anyemployee subordinate to the agency head. (2007‑424, s. 1.)