§ 143B‑12. Internal organization of departments; allocation and reallocation of duties andfunctions; limitations.
(a) The Governor shall cause the administrative organization ofeach department to be examined periodically with a view to promoting economy,efficiency, and effectiveness. The Governor may assign and reassign the dutiesand functions of the executive branch among the principal State departmentsexcept as otherwise expressly provided by statute. When the changes affectexisting law, they must be submitted to the General Assembly in accordance withArticle III, Sec. 5(10) of the Constitution of North Carolina.
(b) The Governor shall report all transfers of departmentalfunctions under this section to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of theHouse of Representatives, the Chairmen of the Appropriations Committees in theSenate and the House of Representatives, and the Fiscal Research Division ofthe Legislative Services Office, within 30 days after the transfer if theGeneral Assembly is in session, otherwise to the Joint Legislative Committee onGovernmental Operations and the Fiscal Research Division of the LegislativeServices Office, within 30 days after the transfer. The report shall includethe rationale for the transfer and the increased efficiency in operationsexpected from the transfer. (1973, c. 476, s. 12; 1985, c. 479, s. 164.)