Part 26.Advisory Committee on Abandoned Cemeteries.
§ 143B‑128. AdvisoryCommittee on Abandoned Cemeteries; members; selections; compensation; terms;vacancy; duties.
(a) There is createdthe Advisory Committee on Abandoned Cemeteries to be composed of 17 membersappointed as follows:
(1) Two by the Governor;
(2) One by the PresidentPro Tempore of the Senate;
(3) One by the Speakerof the House;
(4) One by the Secretaryof the Department of Cultural Resources;
(5) One by the ExecutiveDirector of the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs, Department ofAdministration;
(6) One each by thechief executive of the following organizations, from the membership of theorganization:
a. North CarolinaArchaeological Council;
b. North CarolinaAssociation of County Commissioners;
c. North CarolinaChapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution;
d. North CarolinaChapter of the Society of the Cincinnati;
e. North CarolinaChapter of the Sons of the American Revolution;
f. North CarolinaGenealogical Society;
g. North CarolinaHistorical Commission;
h. North CarolinaLeague of Municipalities;
i. Society of theColonial Dames of America in the State of North Carolina;
j. Sons of ConfederateVeterans;
k. United Daughters ofthe Confederacy.
(b) Members shall beappointed for staggered four‑year terms beginning July 1 of odd‑numberedyears and shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Tocreate and maintain staggered terms, one member appointed by the Governor andthe members appointed by the Speaker of the House, North CarolinaArchaeological Council, North Carolina Chapter of the Daughters of the AmericanRevolution, North Carolina Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution,North Carolina Genealogical Society, North Carolina League of Municipalities,and the Sons of Confederate Veterans shall be appointed for two‑yearterms to expire June 30, 1983, at which time their successor shall be appointedpursuant to this section for four‑year terms. The remaining committeemembers shall be appointed for four‑year terms.
(c) Members shall servewithout salary or compensation for their actual expenses resulting from theperformance of their official duties.
(d) An appointment tofill a vacancy on the committee shall be made according to the procedures forappointment for regular terms, pursuant to this section. Any appointment tofill a vacancy on the committee for any reason shall be for the balance of theunexpired term.
(e) Upon itsappointment the committee shall organize by electing from its membership achairman and a vice‑chairman. It shall be the duty of the committee toreview existing statutes relating to cemeteries, make recommendations to theGeneral Assembly concerning new statutes, and to assist the department in itsefforts to collect information on abandoned cemeteries. (1981,c. 1016, s. 1; 1995, c. 490, s. 1.)