§ 143B‑131.9. Roanoke Island Commission staff.
The Commission shall appoint and fix the salary of an ExecutiveDirector to serve at its pleasure and may hire other employees. Employees ofthe Commission who were transferred from the Department of Cultural Resourcesas of July 1, 1995, and who were subject to the State Personnel Act, Chapter126 of the General Statutes, at the time of the transfer shall continue to besubject to that act. Employees of the Commission who were transferred but werenot subject to the State Personnel Act at the time of transfer are not subjectto the State Personnel Act. Employees of the Commission who were nottransferred are not subject to the State Personnel Act unless the Commissiondesignates the employee's position as subject to the State Personnel Act whenthe employee is hired. Once designated, a position remains subject to the StatePersonnel Act unless exempted in accordance with that act. (1995, c. 507, s. 12.6(c).)