Part28. Andrew Jackson Historic Memorial Committee.
§ 143B‑132. Andrew Jackson Historic MemorialCommittee.
(a) The State of North Carolina and its citizens have long notedand recognized the origins and early life of Andrew Jackson, the nation'sseventh president, in the Waxhaw region along the North Carolina‑SouthCarolina border. It is important that this State recognize the origins andearly life of this outstanding national leader in Western North Carolina. It isnecessary to plan an appropriate memorial in Union County, North Carolina, tocommemorate and display for all Americans the origins and early life of AndrewJackson.
(b) There is created an Andrew Jackson Historic MemorialCommittee to consist of 12 members, six appointed by the Speaker of the Houseof Representatives and six appointed by the President Pro Tempore of theSenate. Members shall serve four‑year terms. Vacancies shall be filled bythe appointing officer for the unexpired term.
(c) The primary duties and responsibilities of the Committeeare:
(1) To assist the Office of Archives and History, Department ofCultural Resources in determining the need for a permanent memorial to honorAndrew Jackson and to commemorate and display the origins and early life ofJackson in the Waxhaw region.
(2) To assist the Office of Archives and History, Department ofCultural Resources in determining the location, design, content, and form of amemorial, if the Committee determines that one is needed, at one of the sitesassociated with the early life of Andrew Jackson.
(3) To assist the Office of Archives and History, Department ofCultural Resources in determining the most appropriate methods for proceedingwith the establishment and operation of the memorial, including methods forobtaining the necessary financial resources for property acquisition, capitalexpenditures, and operational expenses.
(4) To select appropriate qualified researchers and researchinstitutions to assist the Committee in undertaking any required studies tocomplete the Committee's duties and responsibilities.
(d) Members of this Committee may not receive per diem, travelreimbursement, or subsistence allowances.
(e) Administrative and staff services for the Committee shall beprovided by the Office of Archives and History, Department of CulturalResources, which shall also provide the Committee with information in itspossession relating to past research concerning the origins and early life ofAndrew Jackson. In addition, the Office of Archives and History, Department ofCultural Resources shall assist the Committee in preparing a report forsubmission to the General Assembly.
(f) Funds for the operation of the Committee shall be providedby the Department of Cultural Resources. (1985, c. 757, s. 180; 1995, c. 490, s. 7; 2002‑159, s. 35(l).)