§ 143B‑138.1. Department of Health and Human Services functions and organization.
(a) All functions,powers, duties, and obligations previously vested in the following commissions,boards, councils, committees, or subunits of the Department of Human Resourcesare transferred to and vested in the Department of Health and Human Services bya Type I transfer, as defined in G.S. 143A‑6:
(1) Division of Aging.
(2) Division of Servicesfor the Blind.
(3) Division of MedicalAssistance.
(4) Division of Mental Health,Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services.
(5) Division of SocialServices.
(6) Division of HealthService Regulation.
(7) Division ofVocational Rehabilitation.
(8) Repealed by SessionLaws 1998‑202, s. 4(v), effective January 1, 1999.
(9) Division of Servicesfor the Deaf and the Blind.
(10) Office of EconomicOpportunity.
(11) Division of ChildDevelopment.
(12) Office of RuralHealth.
(b) All functions,powers, duties, and obligations previously vested in the following commissions,boards, councils, committees, or subunits of the Department of Human Resourcesare transferred to and vested in the Department of Health and Human Services bya Type II transfer, as defined in G.S. 143A‑6:
(1) Respite CareProgram.
(2) Governor's AdvisoryCouncil on Aging.
(3) Commission for theBlind.
(4) ProfessionalAdvisory Committee.
(5) Consumer andAdvocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind.
(6) Commission forMental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services.
(7) Social ServicesCommission.
(8) Child Day CareCommission.
(9) Medical CareCommission.
(10) Emergency MedicalServices Advisory Council.
(11) Board of Directors ofthe Governor Morehead School.
(12) Board of Directorsfor the North Carolina Schools for the Deaf.
(13) North CarolinaCouncil for the Hearing Impaired.
(14) Repealed by SessionLaws 2002, ch. 126, s. 10.10D(c), effective October 1, 2002.
(15) Council onDevelopmental Disabilities.
(c) The functions,powers, duties, and obligations previously vested in the following commissions,boards, councils, committees, or subunits of the Department of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources are transferred to and vested in the Departmentof Health and Human Services by a Type I transfer, as defined in G.S. 143A‑6:
(1) Division of DentalHealth.
(2) State Center forHealth Statistics.
(3) Division ofEpidemiology.
(4) Division of HealthPromotion.
(5) Division of Maternaland Child Health.
(6) Office of MinorityHealth.
(7) Office of PublicHealth Nursing.
(8) Division ofLaboratory Services.
(9) Office of LocalHealth Services.
(10) Division ofPostmortem Medicolegal Examinations.
(11) Office of Women'sHealth.
(d) All functions,powers, duties, and obligations previously vested in the following commissions,boards, councils, committees, or subunits of the Department of Environment,Health, and Natural Resources are transferred to and vested in the Departmentof Health and Human Services by a Type II transfer, as defined in G.S. 143A‑6:
(1) Commission forPublic Health.
(2) Council on SickleCell Syndrome.
(3) Governor's Councilon Physical Fitness and Health.
(4) Commission ofAnatomy.
(5) Minority HealthAdvisory Council.
(6) Advisory Committeeon Cancer Coordination and Control.
(e) The Department ofHealth and Human Services is vested with all other functions, powers, duties,and obligations as are conferred by the Constitution and laws of this State. (1997‑443, s. 11A.3;1998‑202, s. 4(v); 2002‑126, s. 10.10D(c); 2007‑182, ss. 1,2.)