§ 143B‑152.11. Administration of program.
The Department of Health and Human Services shall develop and implementthe Family Resource Center Grant Program. The Department shall:
(1) Sponsor a statewide conference for teams of interestedrepresentatives to provide background information and assistance regarding allaspects of the program;
(2) Disseminate information regarding the program to interestedlocal community groups;
(3) Provide initial technical assistance and ongoing technicalassistance to grant recipients;
(4) Administer funds appropriated by the General Assembly;
(5) Monitor the grants funded and the ongoing operations offamily resource centers;
(6) Revoke a grant if necessary or appropriate;
(7) Report to the General Assembly and the Joint LegislativeCommission on Governmental Operations, in accordance with G.S. 143B‑152.15;and
(8) Adopt rules to implement this Part. (1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 31(a); 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a).)