Part 9. Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee forthe Blind.
§ 143B‑163. Consumer and Advocacy AdvisoryCommittee for the Blind creation, powers and duties.
(a) There is hereby created the Consumer and Advocacy AdvisoryCommittee for the Blind of the Department of Health and Human Services. ThisCommittee shall make a continuing study of the entire range of problems andneeds of the blind and visually impaired population of this State and makespecific recommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services as tohow these may be solved or alleviated through legislative action. The Committeeshall examine national trends and programs of other states, as well as programsand priorities in North Carolina. Because of the cost of treating persons wholose their vision, the Committee's role shall also include studying and makingrecommendations to the Secretary of Health and Human Services concerningmethods of preventing blindness and restoring vision.
(b) The Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blindshall advise all State boards, commissions, agencies, divisions, departments,schools, corporations, or other State‑administered associations orentities, including the secretary, director and members of said boards,commissions, agencies, divisions, departments, schools, et cetera, on the needsof the citizens of the State of North Carolina who are now or will becomevisually impaired.
(c) The Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blindshall also advise every State board, commission, agency, division, department,school, corporation, or other State‑administered associations or entityconcerning sight conservation programs that it supervises, administers orcontrols.
(d) All State boards, commissions, agencies, divisions,departments, schools, corporations, or other State‑administeredassociations or entities including the secretary, director and members of saidState boards, agencies, departments, et cetera, which supervise, administer orcontrol any program for or affecting the citizens of the State of NorthCarolina who are now or will become visually impaired shall inform the Consumerand Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind of any proposed change in policy,program, budget, rule, or regulation which will affect the citizens of NorthCarolina who are now or will become visually impaired. Said board, commission,et cetera, shall allow the Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for theBlind, prior to passage, unless such change is made pursuant to G.S. 150B‑21.1,an opportunity to object to the change and present information and proposals onbehalf of the citizens of North Carolina who are now or will become visuallyimpaired. This subsection shall also apply to all sight conservation programsof the State of North Carolina.
(e) Nothing in this statute shall prohibit a board, commission,agency, division, department, et cetera, from implementing any change afterallowing the Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind anopportunity to object and propose alternatives. Shifts in budget items within aprogram or administrative changes in a program required in the day‑to‑dayoperation of an agency, department, or school, et cetera, shall be allowedwithout prior consultation with said Committee. (1977, c. 842, s. 1; c. 1050; 1979, c. 973, s. 1;1987, c. 827, s. 1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1030, s. 44; 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a); 2000‑121, s. 32.)