§ 143B‑164. Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blind members; selection;quorum; compensation.
(a) The Consumer and Advocacy Advisory Committee for the Blindof the Department of Health and Human Services shall consist of the followingmembers:
(1) One member of the North Carolina Senate to be appointed bythe President Pro Tempore of the Senate;
(2) One member of the North Carolina House of Representatives tobe appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
(3) President and Vice‑President of the NationalFederation of the Blind of North Carolina;
(4) President and Vice‑President of the North CarolinaCouncil of the Blind;
(5) President and Vice‑President of the North CarolinaAssociation of Workers for the Blind;
(6) President and Vice‑President of the North CarolinaChapter of the American Association of Workers for the Blind;
(7) Chairman of the State Council of the North Carolina Lionsand Executive Director of the North Carolina Lions Association for the Blind,Inc.;
(8) Chairman of the Concession Stand Committee of the Divisionof Services for the Blind of the Department of Health and Human Services; and
(9) Executive Director of the North Carolina Society for thePrevention of Blindness, Inc.
With respect to members appointed from the General Assembly, theseappointments shall be made in the odd‑numbered years, and theappointments shall be made for two‑year terms beginning on the first dayof July and continuing through the 30th day of June two years thereafter;provided, such appointments shall be made within two weeks after ratificationof this act, and the first members which may be so appointed prior to July 1 ofthe year of ratification shall serve through the 30th day of June of the secondyear thereafter. If any Committee member appointed from the General Assemblyceases to be a member of the General Assembly, for whatever reason, hisposition on the Committee shall be deemed vacant. In the event that eitherCommittee position which is designated herein to be filled by a member of theGeneral Assembly becomes vacant during a term, for whatever reason, a successorto fill that position shall be appointed for the remainder of the unexpiredterm by the person who made the original appointment or his successor. Providedmembers appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker ofthe House shall not serve more than two complete consecutive terms.
With respect to the remaining Committee members, each officeholdershall serve on the Committee only so long as he holds the named position in thespecified organization. Upon completion of his term, failure to securereelection or appointment, or resignation, the individual shall be deemed tohave resigned from the Committee and his successor in office shall immediatelybecome a member of the Committee. Further, if any of the above‑namedorganizations dissolve or if any of the above‑stated positions no longerexist, then the successor organization or position shall be deemed to besubstituted in the place of the former one and the officeholder in the neworganization or of the new position shall become a member of the Committee.
(b) A chairman shall be elected by a majority vote of theCommittee members for a one‑year term to coincide with the fiscal year ofthe State. Provided, the first chairman shall be elected for a term to end June30, 1978.
Provided, further, if any chairman does not desire or is unable tocontinue to perform as chairman for any reason, including his becomingineligible to be a member of the Committee as specified in subsection (a), theremaining members shall elect a chairman to fulfill the remainder of his term.
(c) A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business.
(d) The Committee shall meet once a quarter to act upon anyinformation provided them by any board, commission, agency, division,department, school, et cetera. Special meetings may be held at any time andplace within the State at the call of the chairman or upon written request ofat least a majority of the members. Provided, a majority of the members shallbe allowed to waive any meeting.
(e) All clerical and other services required by the Committeeshall be supplied by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
(f) Members of the Committee shall receive per diem andnecessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions ofG.S. 138‑5. (1977, c. 842, s.1; c. 1050; 1979, c. 973, s. 2; 1991, c. 739, s. 27; 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a).)