§ 143B‑164.11. Board of Directors of theGovernor Morehead School creation, powers and duties.
(a) There is hereby created the Board of Directors of theGovernor Morehead School of the Department of Health and Human Services withthe power and duty to adopt rules and establish standards to be followed in theconduct of the Governor Morehead School including rules for the professionalcare of children admitted to the Governor Morehead School and rules to make theGovernor Morehead School as nearly self‑supporting as consistent with thepurposes of its creation.
(b) The Board of Directors of the Governor Morehead School mayadopt rules not inconsistent with the laws of this State, as may be required bythe federal government for grants‑in‑aid that may be available tothe State by the federal government. This subsection is to be liberallyconstrued in order that the State and its citizens may benefit from such grants‑in‑aid.
(c) The Board of Directors of the Governor Morehead School mayencourage the establishment of private, nonprofit corporations to support theinstitution. If the sole purpose of a corporation is to support the GovernorMorehead School, the Department of Health and Human Services may, with theapproval of the Board of Directors, assign employees to assist with theestablishment and operation of the corporation and may make available to thecorporation office space, equipment, supplies, and other related resources. Thelimitation on hours of service by an employee provided in G.S. 143B‑139.4does not apply to employees assisting a nonprofit corporation pursuant to thissubsection. The board of directors of each private, nonprofit corporation thatobtains assistance under this subsection shall secure and pay for the servicesof the State Auditor or employ a certified public accountant to conduct anannual audit of the financial accounts of the corporation. The board ofdirectors of the corporation shall transmit to the Department of Health andHuman Services a copy of the annual financial audit report of the corporation. (1989, c. 533, s. 3; 1997‑18, s. 13(b); 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a); 2001‑412, s. 2.)