§ 143B‑168.11. Early childhood initiatives;purpose; definitions.
(a) The purpose of this Part is to establish a framework wherebythe General Assembly, upon consultation with the Governor, may support throughfinancial and other means, the North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc.and comparable local partnerships, which have as their missions the developmentof a comprehensive, long‑range strategic plan for early childhooddevelopment and the provision, through public and private means, of high‑qualityearly childhood education and development services for children and families.It is the intent of the General Assembly that communities be given the maximumflexibility and discretion practicable in developing their plans whileremaining subject to the approval of the North Carolina Partnership andaccountable to the North Carolina Partnership and to the General Assembly fortheir plans and for the programmatic and fiscal integrity of the programs andservices provided to implement them.
(b) The following definitions apply in this Part:
(1) Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the NorthCarolina Partnership for Children, Inc.
(2) Department. The Department of Health and Human Services.
(2a) Early Childhood. Birth through five years of age.
(3) Local Partnership. A county or regional private, nonprofit501(c)(3) organization established to coordinate a local demonstration project,to provide ongoing analyses of their local needs that must be met to ensurethat the developmental needs of children are met in order to prepare them tobegin school healthy and ready to succeed, and, in consultation with the NorthCarolina Partnership and subject to the approval of the North CarolinaPartnership, to provide programs and services to meet these needs under thisPart, while remaining accountable for the programmatic and fiscal integrity oftheir programs and services to the North Carolina Partnership.
(4) North Carolina Partnership. The North Carolina Partnershipfor Children, Inc.
(5) Secretary. The Secretary of Health and Human Services. (1993, c. 321, s. 254(a); 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.766, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a); 1998‑212, s. 12.37B(a).)