Part 13. Council on Developmental Disabilities.
§ 143B‑177. Council on DevelopmentalDisabilities creation, powers and duties.
There is hereby created the Council on Developmental Disabilities ofthe Department of Health and Human Services. The Council on DevelopmentalDisabilities shall have the following functions and duties:
(1) To advise the Secretary of Health and Human Servicesregarding the development and implementation of the State plan as required byPublic Law 98‑527, the Developmental Disabilities Act of 1984, by:
a. Identifying ways and means of promoting public understandingof developmental disabilities;
b. Examining the federally assisted State programs of all Stateagencies which provide services for persons with developmental disabilities;
c. Describing the quality, extent and scope of services beingprovided, or to be provided, to persons with developmental disabilities inNorth Carolina;
d. Recommending ways and means for coordination of programs toprevent duplication and overlapping of such services;
e. Considering the need for new State programs and laws in thefield of developmental disabilities; and
f. Conducting activities which will increase and support theindependence, productivity, and integration into the community of persons withdevelopmental disabilities.
(2) To advise the Secretary of Health and Human Servicesregarding the coordination of planning and service delivery of all State‑fundedprograms which provide service to persons with developmental disabilities by:
a. Gathering, analyzing and interpreting individual andaggregate needs assessment data from all State agencies that provide servicesto developmentally disabled;
b. Conducting special needs assessment studies as may benecessary;
c. Specifying and supporting activities that will enhance theservices delivered by individual agencies by reducing barriers betweenagencies;
d. Identifying service development priorities that requirecooperative interagency planning and development;
e. Providing coordinative and technical assistance ininteragency planning and development efforts; and
f. Coordinating interagency training efforts that will promotemore effective service delivery to persons with developmental disabilities.
(3) To advise the Secretary of Health and Human Servicesregarding other matters relating to developmental disabilities and upon anymatter the Secretary may refer to it. (1973, c. 476, s. 167; 1987, c. 780; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a).)