§ 143B‑181.1B. Division as clearinghouse for information; agencies to provide information.
(a) The Division of Aging, Department of Health and HumanServices, shall be the central clearinghouse for information regarding allState education and training programs available and being provided about andfor the elderly in North Carolina.
(b) The Division of Aging, Department of Health and HumanServices, shall produce and distribute annually an updated calendar ofconferences, training events, and educational programs about and for theelderly in North Carolina.
(c) All State agencies and entities administering State orfederal funding for education and training programs about and for the elderlyshall provide to the Division of Aging by September 1 of each year allinformation required by the Division regarding conferences, training events,and educational programs provided about and for the elderly. (1989, c. 696, ss. 1‑3; 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a).)