§ 143B‑181.21. State/Regional Long‑Term Care Ombudsman; resolution of complaints.
(a) Following receiptof a complaint, the State or Regional Ombudsman shall attempt to resolve thecomplaint using, whenever possible, informal technique of mediation, conciliation,and persuasion.
(b) Complaints orconditions adversely affecting residents of long‑term care facilitiesthat cannot be resolved in the manner described in subsection (a) of thissection shall be referred by the State or Regional Ombudsman to the appropriatelicensure agency pursuant to G.S. 131E‑100 through 110 and Part 1 ofArticle 1 of Chapter 131D of the General Statutes. (1989, c. 403, s. 1; 2009‑462,s. 4(n).)