Part 14F. Senior Tar Heel Legislature.
§ 143B‑181.55. Creation, membership, meetings,organization, and adoption of measures.
(a) There is created the North Carolina Senior Tar HeelLegislature. It shall:
(1) Provide information and education to senior citizens on thelegislative process and matters being considered by the General Assembly;
(2) Promote citizen involvement and advocacy concerning agingissues before the General Assembly; and
(3) Assess the legislative needs of older citizens by conveninga forum modeled after the General Assembly.
(b) The delegates to the Senior Tar Heel Legislature shall beage 60 or over and shall be duly selected pursuant to procedures developed bythe Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Aging, and approved bythe Secretary of the Department in consultation with senior citizens advocacygroups who have given written notice to the Division of Aging that they desireto be consulted. The Senior Tar Heel Legislative Session shall be organized andcoordinated by the Division with Area Agencies on Aging organizing the localelection procedures and other related matters. At the conclusion of eachsession, the Senior Tar Heel Legislature shall make a report of that session'sproceedings and recommendations to the General Assembly. Delegates to theSenior Tar Heel Legislature shall be from each county.
(c) The Senior Tar Heel Legislature is authorized to meet oneday in March of every year beginning in 1994 but shall hold its first sessionno later than August 1993. The sessions shall be held in the State Capitol orin a building to be selected by the Governor or the Governor's designee. TheSenior Tar Heel Legislature is authorized to adopt bylaws to govern itsinternal procedures and is authorized to adopt such recommendations as it deemsappropriate to present to the General Assembly for consideration.
(d) A report of the proceedings of each session of the SeniorTar Heel Legislature shall be presented to the next Regular Session of theNorth Carolina General Assembly. (1993, c. 503, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a).)