§ 143B‑181.6. Purpose and intent.
It is the North Carolina General Assembly's intent in the State'sdevelopment and implementation of long‑term care policies that:
(1) Long‑term care services administered by the Departmentof Health and Human Services and other State and local agencies shall include abalanced array of health, social, and supportive services that promoteindividual choice, dignity, and the highest practicable level of independence;
(2) Home and community‑based services shall be developed, expanded,or maintained in order to meet the needs of consumers in the least confusingmanner and based on the desires of the elderly and their families;
(3) All services shall be responsive and appropriate toindividual need and shall be delivered through a seamless system that isflexible and responsive regardless of funding source;
(4) Services shall be available to all elderly who need them buttargeted primarily to the most frail, needy elderly;
(5) State and local agencies shall maximize the use of limitedresources by establishing a fee system for persons who have the ability to pay;
(6) Institutional care shall be provided in such a manner and insuch an environment as to promote maintenance or enhancement of the quality oflife of each resident and timely discharge to a less restrictive care settingwhen appropriate; and
(7) State health planning for institutional bed supply shalltake into account increased availability of other home and community‑basedservices options. (1981, c. 675, ss.1, 2; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 583, s. 2; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a).)