Part34. Office of Policy and Planning.
§ 143B‑216.70. Office of Policy and Planning.
(a) To promote coordinated policy development and strategicplanning for the State's health and human services systems, the Secretary ofHealth and Human Services shall establish an Office of Policy and Planning fromexisting resources across the Department. The Director of the Office of Policyand Planning shall report directly to the Secretary and shall have thefollowing responsibilities:
(1) Coordinate the development of departmental policies, plans,and rules, in consultation with the Divisions of the Department.
(2) Development of a departmental process for the developmentand implementation of new policies, plans, and rules.
(3) Development of a departmental process for the review ofexisting policies, plans, and rules to ensure that departmental policies,plans, and rules are relevant.
(4) Coordination and review of all departmental policies beforedissemination to ensure that all policies are well‑coordinated within andacross all programs.
(5) Implementation of ongoing strategic planning that integratesbudget, personnel, and resources with the mission and operational goals of theDepartment.
(6) Review, disseminate, monitor, and evaluate best practicemodels.
(b) Under the direction of the Secretary of Health and HumanServices, the Director of the Office of Policy and Planning shall have theauthority to direct Divisions, offices, and programs within the Department toconduct periodic reviews of policies, plans, and rules and shall advise theSecretary when it is determined to be appropriate or necessary to modify,amend, and repeal departmental policies, plans, and rules. All policy andmanagement positions within the Office of Policy and Planning are exempt positionsas that term is defined in G.S. 126‑5. (2005‑276, s. 10.2.)