Part 5.Substance Abuse Advisory Council.
§ 143B‑270. SubstanceAbuse Advisory Council.
(a) There is created aSubstance Abuse Advisory Council to consult with the Secretary of theDepartment of Correction in the administration of the Substance Abuse Program.
(b) The Council shallbe composed of nine members. Three members shall be appointed by the Speaker ofthe House of Representatives, three members by the President Pro Tempore of theSenate, and three members by the Governor. Of each set of three members, theappointing authority shall appoint one person who is a member of the recoveringcommunity, one other person who is a professional in the field of substanceabuse services, and one other person who is a member of the public at large.Vacancies shall be filled by the office making the initial appointment and forthe remainder of the unexpired term only. The Council shall elect its chairmanannually.
(c) Members appointedshall hold office for a term of four years beginning on October 1, 1987, exceptthat three of the initial appointees and these three appointees' immediatesuccessors shall serve a term of two years, with the immediate successors'terms expiring on September 30, 1991.
(d) The Council shallmeet at least once each quarter and at the call of the Secretary.
(e) Council members whoare members of the General Assembly shall receive travel and subsistenceallowances as provided in G.S. 120‑3.1. Council members who are notmembers of the General Assembly shall receive travel and subsistence as providedin G.S. 138‑5. (1987, c. 738, s. 111(d); 1991, c. 405, s. 2; 1995, c.490, s. 55; 2000‑140, s. 33.)