§ 143B‑273.11. County Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Boards; powers and duties.
The County Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board shall have thefollowing powers and duties:
(1) To participate in a planning process to develop a Community‑BasedCorrections Plan. The purpose of this planning process is to:
a. Examine the local criminal justice system;
b. Identify problem areas;
c. Identify offender groups for programs;
d. Propose strategies for improving the local criminal justicesystem;
e. Identify a specific community‑based program that isneeded;
f. Plan a method for integrating the needed community‑basedprogram into the existing local criminal justice system;
g. Develop criteria for evaluating the impact of the community‑basedprogram; and
h. Improve coordination at the local level between State andcounty community‑based corrections programs.
(2) To submit the plan to the boards of county commissioners forapproval within one year of the last appointment to the county board. Thisplan shall include all of the elements required by this section.
(3) To review and revise the plan and make a formalrecommendation to the board or boards of county commissioners at least annuallyconcerning the plan and its implementation and operation during the ensuingyear.
(4) To monitor and evaluate the impact of the community‑basedcorrections program and prepare a written report. (1993, c. 534; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(d).)