§ 143B‑273.13. Application for implementation funding.
(a) Upon approving the Community‑Based Corrections Plan,the board or boards of county commissioners shall submit the plan and anapplication for implementation funding. The application shall contain thefollowing:
(1) A description of the problem, including specific data andinformation concerning the population the proposed community‑basedcorrections program is to serve.
(2) A description of the program's goal, objective, activitiesand how it relates to the annual plan distributed by the State Board.
(3) A description of the operation of the program, including anoutline of the approach, implementation steps and phases of the program, itsadministrative structure, staffing pattern, staff training, financing, degreeof community involvement, and offender participation.
(4) A description of the program's monitoring criteria,outlining the documentation and records to be maintained.
(5) A description of the method for evaluating the impact of theprogram.
(6) The identity of any designated contractor.
(7) In the case of a multicounty community‑basedcorrections plan, provisions for the appointment of a fiscal agent tocoordinate the financial activities pertaining to the grant award.
(8) A detailed budget for the program.
(b) The Secretary shall complete the review of the plan within90 days of submission. Failure to disapprove or recommend amendment to theplan within 90 days shall constitute approval. (1993, c. 534; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(d).)