§ 143B‑273.7. Duties of State Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board.
The State Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board has the followingduties:
(1) To recommend community‑based corrections programpriorities;
(2) To review the application process and procedures for fundingcommunity‑based corrections programs, including the format forcomprehensive community‑based corrections plans;
(3) To review the criteria for monitoring and evaluatingcommunity‑based corrections programs;
(4) To distribute an annual plan which describes the community‑basedcorrections program priorities, and the application process and procedures forfunding community‑based corrections programs, including the format forcomprehensive community‑based corrections plans. The annual plan mustalso announce the amount of funds appropriated to the State‑CountyCriminal Justice Partnership Account;
(5) To coordinate community‑based corrections programsadministered by the state agencies and programs funded under this Article;
(6) To review plans of participating counties and, based on theState Board's annual plan, to make recommendations to the Secretary to providegrant funding to counties for implementing and operating community‑basedcorrections programs; and
(7) To review the minimum program standards, policies, and rulesfor community‑based corrections programs.
(8) To evaluate the effects of categories of programs funded bythis Article and prepare a written report. (1993, c. 534; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(d).)