§ 143B‑273.8. Duties ofDepartment of Correction.
(a) In addition tothose otherwise provided by law, the Department of Correction shall have thefollowing duties:
(1) To provide technicalassistance to applicants in developing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating,and operating community‑based corrections programs.
(2) To enter intocontractual agreements with county boards for the operation of community‑basedcorrections programs and monitor compliance with those agreements.
(3) To act as aninformation clearinghouse regarding community‑based corrections programs.
(4) To review plans ofparticipating counties and to approve grants based on applications to assistthem in the implementation and operation of community‑based correctionsprograms.
(5) To develop policiesand procedures for the disbursement of grant funds to participating counties ona reimbursement basis.
(6) To develop theminimum program standards, policies, and rules for community‑basedcorrections programs.
(7) In instances ofsubstantial noncompliance, the Secretary shall notify the board or boards ofcounty commissioners, the county community corrections advisory board, and thechief administrator of the program in writing of the allegations and allow 60days for a response. If an agreement is reached concerning a remedy, then theSecretary shall allow 30 days following that agreement for the remedy to beimplemented. If the deficiencies are not corrected within this period, then theSecretary may, upon written notice, suspend any or all of the grant funds untilcompliance is achieved.
(b) The Department ofCorrection shall report by February 1 of each year to the Chairs of the Senateand House Appropriations Committees, the Senate and House AppropriationsSubcommittees on Justice and Public Safety, and the Joint LegislativeCorrections, Crime Control, and Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee on thestatus of the Criminal Justice Partnership Program. The report shall includethe following information:
(1) The amount of fundscarried over from the prior fiscal year;
(2) The dollar amountand purpose of grants awarded to counties as discretionary grants for thecurrent fiscal year;
(3) Any counties theDepartment anticipates will submit requests for new implementation grants;
(4) The number of countiessubmitting offender participation data via the electronic reporting system;
(4a) Details of personnel,travel, contractual, operating, and equipment expenditures for each programtype;
(4b) For counties whoseexpenditures deviate proportionally from the average percentage expenditure foreach program type, an explanation of the variance shall be included;
(5) An analysis ofoffender participation data received; and
(6) An update on effortsto ensure that all counties make use of the electronic reporting system. (1993, c. 534, s. 1; 1999‑237,s. 18(d); 2000‑67, s. 16; 2001‑138, s. 2; 2009‑349, s. 2.1.)