§ 143B‑28. Goalsof continuing reorganization.
Structural reorganization of State government should be a continuingprocess, accomplished through careful executive and legislative appraisal ofthe placement of proposed new programs and coordination of existing programs inresponse to changing emphases in public needs and should be consistent with thefollowing goals:
(1) The organization of State government should assure itsresponsiveness to popular control. It is the goal of reorganization to improvethe administrative capability of the executive to carry out these policies.
(2) The organization of State government should aidcommunication between citizens and government. It is the goal of reorganizationthrough coordination of related programs in function‑oriented departmentsto improve public understanding of government programs and policies and toimprove the relationships between citizens and administrative agencies.
(3) The organization of State government should assureefficient and effective administration of the policies established by theGeneral Assembly. It is the goal of reorganization to promote efficiency andeffectiveness by improving the management and coordination of State servicesand by eliminating ineffective, overstaffed, obsolete or overlappingactivities. (1973, c. 476, s.28.)