§ 143B‑289.41. Division of North Carolina Aquariums organization; powers and duties.
(a) The Division of North Carolina Aquariums shall be organizedas prescribed by the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources and shallexercise the following powers and duties:
(1) Repealed by Session Laws 1991, c. 320, s. 3.
(1a) Establish and maintain the North Carolina Aquariums.
(1b) Administer the operations of the North Carolina Aquariums,such administrative duties to include, but not be limited to the following:
a. Adopt goals and objectives for the Aquariums and review andrevise these goals and objectives periodically.
b. Review and approve requests for use of the Aquariumfacilities and advise the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources on themost appropriate use consistent with the goals and objectives of the Aquariums.
c. Continually review and evaluate the types of projects andprograms being carried out in the Aquarium facilities and determine if theoperation of the facilities is in compliance with the established goals andobjectives.
d. Recommend to the Secretary of Environment and NaturalResources any policies and procedures needed to assure effective staffperformance and proper liaison among Aquarium facilities in carrying out theoverall purposes of the Aquarium programs.
e. Review Aquarium budget submissions to the Secretary ofEnvironment and Natural Resources.
f. Recruit and recommend to the Secretary of Environment andNatural Resources candidates for the positions of directors of the Aquariums.
g. Create local advisory committees in accordance with theprovisions of G.S. 143B‑289.43.
(1c) Notwithstanding Article 3A of Chapter 143 of the GeneralStatutes, and G.S. 143‑49(4), dispose of any exhibit, exhibit component,or object from the collections of the North Carolina Aquariums by sale, lease,or trade. A sale, lease, or trade under this subdivision shall be conducted inaccordance with generally accepted practices for zoos and aquariums that areaccredited by the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums. After deductingthe expenses attributable to the sale or lease, the net proceeds of any sale orlease shall be credited to the North Carolina Aquariums Fund.
(2), (3) Repealed by Session Laws 1993, c. 321, s. 28(e).
(4) through (6) Repealed by Session Laws 1991, c. 320, s. 3.
(7) Assume any other powers and duties assigned to it by theSecretary.
(b) The Secretary may adopt any rules and procedures necessaryto implement this section. (1985, c. 202, s. 3; 1991, c. 320, s. 3; 1993, c. 321, ss. 28(d),28(e); 1997‑286, s. 3; 1997‑400, s. 6.3(b), (c); 1997‑443,ss. 11A.119(a), 11A.123; 1999‑49, s. 1.)