§ 143B‑289.55. Marine Fisheries Commission officers; organization; seal.
(a) The Governor shall appoint a member of the Commission toserve as Chair. The Chair shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. TheCommission shall elect one of its members to serve as Vice‑Chair. TheVice‑Chair shall serve a one‑year term beginning 1 July and ending30 June of the following year. The Vice‑Chair may serve any number ofconsecutive terms.
(b) The Chair shall guide and coordinate the activities of theCommission in fulfilling its duties as set out in this Article. The Chair shallreport to and advise the Governor and the Secretary on the activities of theCommission, on marine and estuarine conservation matters, and on all marinefisheries matters.
(c) The Commission shall determine its organization andprocedure in accordance with the provisions of this Article. The provisions ofthe most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern any proceduralmatter for which no other provision has been made.
(d) The Commission may adopt a common seal and may alter it asnecessary. (1997‑400, s.2.1.)