§ 143B‑289.59. Conservation Fund; Commission may accept gifts.
(a) The Marine Fisheries Commission may accept gifts, donations,or contributions from any sources. These funds shall be held in a separateaccount and used solely for the purposes of marine and estuarine conservationand management. These funds shall be administered by the Marine FisheriesCommission and shall be used for marine and estuarine resources management,including education about the importance of conservation, in a manner consistentwith marine and estuarine conservation management principles.
(b) The Marine Fisheries Commission is hereby authorized toissue and sell appropriate emblems by which to identify recipients thereof ascontributors to a special marine and estuarine resources Conservation Fund thatshall be made available to the Marine Fisheries Commission for conservation,protection, enhancement, preservation, and perpetuation of marine and estuarinespecies that may be endangered or threatened with extinction and for educationabout these issues. The special Conservation Fund is subject to oversight ofthe State Auditor pursuant to Article 5A of Chapter 147 of the GeneralStatutes. Emblems of different sizes, shapes, types, or designs may be used torecognize contributions in different amounts, but no emblem shall be issued fora contribution amounting in value to less than five dollars ($5.00). (1997‑400, s. 2.1.)