§ 143B‑301.11. Creation, powers, and duties of the Commission.
(a) Creation and Duties. The Well Contractors CertificationCommission is created within the Department. The Commission shall:
(1) Adopt rules with respect to the certification of well contractorsas provided by Article 7A of Chapter 87 of the General Statutes.
(2) Exercise quasi‑judicial powers in accordance with theprovisions of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. The Commission shall makethe final agency decision on any matter involving the certification of wellcontractors pursuant to Article 7A of Chapter 87 of the General Statutes and oncivil penalties assessed for violations of that Article or rules adoptedpursuant to that Article.
(3) Adopt rules as may be required to secure a federal grant‑in‑aidfor a program concerned with the certification of well contractors. Thissubdivision is to be liberally construed in order that the State and itscitizens may benefit from federal grants‑in‑aid.
(b) Delegation. The Commission may, by rule, delegate to theSecretary any of its powers, other than the power to adopt rules. (1997‑358, s. 1.)