Part 29. Advisory Commission forNorth Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences.
§ 143B‑344.18. Commission created; membership.
There is created an AdvisoryCommission for the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences which shalldetermine its own organization. It shall consist of at least nine members,which shall include the Director of the North Carolina State Museum of NaturalSciences, the Commissioner of Agriculture, the State Geologist and Secretary ofEnvironment and Natural Resources, the Director of the Institute of FisheriesResearch of the University of North Carolina, the Director of the WildlifeResources Commission, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, or qualifiedrepresentative of any or all of the above‑named members, and at leastthree persons representing the East, the Piedmont, and the Western areas of theState. Members appointed by the Governor shall serve for four‑yearstaggered terms. Terms shall begin on 1 September. Members appointed by theGovernor shall not serve more than three consecutive four‑year terms. Anymember may be removed by the Governor for cause. (1961, c. 1180, s. 1; 1973,c. 1262, s. 86; 1977, c. 771, s. 4; 1989, c. 727, s. 218(119); 1989 (Reg.Sess., 1990), c. 1004, s. 19(b); 1993, c. 561, ss. 116(b), (f); 1997‑443,s. 11A.119(a); 2007‑495, s. 4(a).)