§ 143B‑363. NorthCarolina Rail Council members; selection; compensation.
(a) The North Carolina Rail Council shall consist of 18 members,14 of which shall be appointed by the Governor, who, in making theappointments, shall designate one person from each of the 14 transportationengineering divisions of the State. Of the members appointed by the Governor,at least two members shall possess broad knowledge of railroad operations, atleast two members shall represent local government interests, and at least twomembers shall represent the interests of shippers or passengers using railservice. The President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Houseof Representatives shall each appoint two members, who may be members of theGeneral Assembly. All members of the Council should have an interest indeveloping policy for the promotion and preservation of railroads as part of abalanced transportation system.
(b) Nine of the initial members appointed by the Governor shallserve on the Council for terms of three years beginning July 1, 1993. Theremaining members shall be appointed for terms of two years beginning July 1,1993. Upon the expiration of each member's term, a successor shall beappointed for a term of two years. Any appointment to fill a vacancy on theCouncil created by the resignation, dismissal, or death of a member shall befor the balance of the unexpired term.
(c) Each appointing officer may remove any member of the Councilappointed by him for the reasons that members of boards, councils, orcommittees may be removed by the Governor pursuant to G.S. 143B‑16.
(d) The Governor shall designate a member of the Council toserve as chairman at his pleasure.
(e) Members of the Council shall receive per diem and necessarytravel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions of G.S. 138‑5.
(f) Members of the Council shall be subject to the provisionsof G.S. 136‑13, 136‑13.1, and 136‑14.
(g) All clerical and other services required by the Councilshall be supplied by the Secretary of Transportation. (1993, c. 483, s. 1.)