Part 3. North Carolina Capital Planning Commission.
§ 143B‑373. North Carolina Capital PlanningCommission creation; powers and duties.
(a) There is hereby recreated the North Carolina CapitalPlanning Commission of the Department of Administration.
(1) The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
a. To obtain and maintain up‑to‑date buildingrequirements for State governmental agencies in Wake County;
b. To formulate a long‑range capital improvement programas required for State central governmental agencies in Wake County and maintainthis program up‑to‑date;
c. To recommend the acquisition of land as required;
d. To recommend to the Governor the locations for Stategovernment buildings, monuments, memorials and improvements in Wake County,except for buildings occupied by the General Assembly; and
e. To recommend to the Governor the name for any new Stategovernment building or any building hereafter acquired by the State of NorthCarolina in Wake County, with the exception of buildings comprising a part ofthe North Carolina State University, the Dorothea Dix Hospital, the GeneralAssembly or the Governor Morehead School;
(2) The Commission is authorized and empowered to adopt suchrules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of this State, as may berequired by the federal government for grants‑in‑aid for capitalimprovement purposes which may be made available to the State by the federalgovernment. This section is to be liberally construed in order that the Stateand its citizens may benefit from such grants‑in‑aid.
(3) The Commission shall adopt rules and regulations consistentwith the provisions of this Chapter. All rules and regulations not inconsistentwith the provisions of this Chapter heretofore adopted by the existing NorthCarolina Capital Planning Commission shall remain in full force and effectunless and until repealed or superseded by action of the recreated Commission.All rules and regulations adopted by the Commission shall be enforced by theDepartment of Administration.
(b) Any:
(1) City exercising any jurisdiction in Wake County underArticle 19 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes (or under any local act ofsimilar nature); and
(2) County exercising any jurisdiction in Wake County underArticle 18 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes (or under any local act ofsimilar nature)
shallprovide to the North Carolina Capital Planning Commission no later than August1, 1989, a copy of any ordinance adopted under that Article and in effect onJuly 1, 1989, and shall provide a copy of any additional ordinance adopted oramended under such Article or similar local act after July 1, 1989, within 30days of adoption; provided that no ordinance adopted under G.S. 160A‑441shall be so provided unless it applies to a structure owned by the State.
(c) Any:
(1) City exercising any jurisdiction in Wake County underArticle 19 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes (or under any local act ofsimilar nature); and
(2) County exercising any jurisdiction in Wake County under Article18 of Chapter 153A of the General Statutes (or under any local act of similarnature)
shallprovide to the North Carolina Capital Planning Commission within seven days offirst consideration by the governing body any proposal under either of thoseArticles or local acts which, if adopted would affect property within WakeCounty owned by the State.
(d) The North Carolina Capital Planning Commission may, byresolution, further define what types of proposals are required to be submittedunder subsection (c) of this section, and may define the meaning of "firstconsideration" differently as to different types of actions, and mayrequire similar notice of proposals before planning boards, boards ofadjustment, and planning commissions. The North Carolina Capital PlanningCommission may, in lieu of the specific requirements of subsection (c) and thissubsection, adopt a different schedule for submission of proposals andordinances, and the schedule may be different for different jurisdictions, soas to carry out the intent of this section. (1975, c. 879, s. 10; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1191, s. 66; 1989, c.32.)