§ 143B‑392. North Carolina Human RelationsCommission Members; selection; quorum; compensation.
(a) The Human Relations Commission of the Department ofAdministration shall consist of 22 members. The Governor shall appoint onemember from each of the 13 congressional districts, plus five members at large,including the chairperson. The Speaker of the North Carolina House ofRepresentatives shall appoint two members to the Commission. The President ProTempore of the Senate shall appoint two members to the Commission. The terms offour of the members appointed by the Governor shall expire June 30, 1988. Theterms of four of the members appointed by the Governor shall expire June 30,1987. The terms of four of the members appointed by the Governor shall expireJune 30, 1986. The terms of four of the members appointed by the Governor shallexpire June 30, 1985. The terms of the members appointed by the Speaker of theNorth Carolina House of Representatives shall expire June 30, 1986. The termsof the members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor shall expire June 30, 1986.The initial term of office of the person appointed to represent the 12thCongressional District shall commence on January 3, 1993, and expire on June30, 1996. At the end of the respective terms of office of the initial membersof the Commission, the appointment of their successors shall be for terms offour years. No member of the commission shall serve more than two consecutiveterms. A member having served two consecutive terms shall be eligible forreappointment one year after the expiration of his second term. Any appointmentto fill a vacancy on the Commission created by the resignation, dismissal,death, or disability of a member shall be filled in the manner of the originalappointment for the unexpired term.
(b) Members of the Commission shall receive per diem andnecessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions ofG.S. 138‑5.
(c) A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum forthe transaction of business.
(d) All clerical and support services required by the Commissionshall be supplied by the Secretary of the Department of Administration. (1975, c. 879, s. 35; 1983, c. 461; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 979, s.1(7); 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1038, s. 20; 1995, c. 490, s. 26; 2001‑486,s. 2.19.)