Part 17. Governor's Advocacy Council on Children andYouth.
§ 143B‑414. Governor's Advocacy Council onChildren and Youth creation; powers and duties.
There is hereby created the Governor's Advocacy Council on Children andYouth of the Department of Administration. The Council shall have the followingfunctions and duties:
(1) To act as an advocate for children and youth within Stateand local governments, and with private agencies serving children and youth;
(2) To provide assistance in the development and coordination ofchild advocacy systems at the regional and local levels within the State;
(3) To perform a continuing review of existing programs ofState government for children and youth and their families;
(4) To, in cooperation with State, local or private agencies,identify needs of children and youth and their families that are not currentlybeing met and recommend new programs or improvement of existing programs;
(5) To review any new programs affecting children and youthproposed by any State agency and recommend changes to avoid duplication ofservices, to promote better planning, or otherwise to make more effective useof available resources;
(6) To meet at least annually with the Governor and present awritten report concerning the health and well‑being of North Carolina'schildren and the effectiveness of current programs and the need for newprograms for children and youth;
(7) To provide information to the general public and State,local and private agencies serving children and youth and their familiesconcerning the activities and findings of the Council; and
(8) To perform other advisory functions assigned by theSecretary of Administration or a legislative committee. (1973, c. 476, s. 180; 1977, c. 872, s. 6; 1981 (Reg.Sess., 1982), c. 1191, s. 13.)