Part 19. Jobs for Veterans Committee.
§ 143B‑420. Governor's Jobs for VeteransCommittee creation; appointment, organization, etc.; duties.
(a) There is hereby created and established in the NorthCarolina Department of Administration, Division of Veterans Affairs, acommittee to be known as the Governor's Jobs for Veterans Committee, with onemember from each Congressional district, appointed by the Governor. Members ofthe Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Secretary ofAdministration, with the concurrence of the Governor, shall appoint a chairmanto administer this Committee who shall be subject to the direction andsupervision of the Secretary. The chairman shall serve at the pleasure of theSecretary. The chairman shall devote full time to his duties of office.
(b) Subject to the general supervision of the Secretary, theduties of the chairman shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Serving as a liaison between the Office of the Governor andall State agencies to insure that veterans receive the employment preference towhich they are legally entitled and that such State agencies list availablejobs with appropriate public employment services;
(2) Evaluating existing programs designed to benefit veteransand submitting reports and recommendations to the Governor and Secretary;
(3) Developing and furthering favorable employer attitudestoward the employment of veterans by appropriate promulgation of informationconcerning veterans and the functions of the Committee;
(4) Serving as a liaison between the Committee and communitiesthroughout the State to the end that civic committees and volunteer groups areformed and utilized to promote the objectives of the Committee;
(5) Assisting employers in properly designing affirmativeaction plans as they relate to handicapped and Vietnam‑era veterans;
(6) Serving as a liaison between veterans and State agencies onquestions regarding the employment practices of such State agencies. (1977, c. 1032; 1985, c. 479, s. 166.)