§ 143B‑426.12. Public Radio Advisory Committee policy; creation; duties; members.
It is the policy of the State of North Carolina that at least onepublic radio signal shall be made available to every resident of NorthCarolina, that there be diversity in the kinds of public radio licensees, thatthere be a uniform policy for extending State financial aid to stationseligible to participate in federal funds for public radio, that State financialsupport shall constitute less than one half of the operating budget of anystation, that program content shall not be influenced by the State by virtue ofState financial support to the stations, and that technical facilities beestablished and operated to achieve station interconnection.
The Public Radio Advisory Committee of the North Carolina Agency onPublic Telecommunications is created. That Committee shall advise the Board onthe distribution of State funds to public radio licensees in North Carolina andon any matter which the Board may refer to it. There shall be nine members ofsaid Committee; three of whom shall be representatives selected by the publicradio broadcast licensees in the State; six of whom shall be at‑largemembers chosen by the Governor from the general public. The members shallchoose one of the at‑large members to serve as chairman of the Committee;and that chairman shall serve ex officio as a member of the Board. The terms ofthe members of the Committee shall be established by the Board. (1979, c. 900, s. 1.)