Part 26. North Carolina Farmworker Council.
§ 143B‑426.25. North Carolina FarmworkerCouncil creation; membership; meetings.
(a) There is established within the Department of Administrationthe North Carolina Farmworker Council.
(b) The North Carolina Farmworker Council shall consist of 13members as follows:
(1) Four shall be appointed by the Governor.
(2) Two shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives.
(3) Two shall be appointed by the President Pro Tempore of theSenate.
(4) The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Servicesor the Deputy Secretary of the Department if designated by the Secretary shallserve ex officio.
(5) The Commissioner of Labor or the Deputy Commissioner of theDepartment if designated by the Commissioner shall serve ex officio.
(6) The Commissioner of Agriculture or the Deputy Commissionerof the Department if designated by the Commissioner shall serve ex officio.
(7) The Chairman of the Employment Security Commission or hisdesignee shall serve ex officio.
(8) The Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources or hisdesignee shall serve ex officio.
(c) Vacancies in membership of the Council shall be filled bythe original appointing authority for the remainder of the unexpired term.
(d) The Governor shall appoint the chairman of the Council. Atits first meeting the Council shall select a vice‑chairman from itsmembership and a secretary. The chairman shall preside at all meetings and inhis absence the vice‑chairman shall act as chairman.
(e) A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
(f) The initial meeting of the Council shall be called by theGovernor. Subsequent meetings shall be held upon the call of the chairman orupon the written request of four members. The Council shall meet at least fourtimes per year.
(g) Council members who are members of the General Assemblyshall receive subsistence and travel allowances at the rate set forth in G.S.120‑3.1. Council members and ex officio members who are employees of theState of North Carolina shall receive travel allowances at the rate set forthin G.S. 138‑6. All other Council members shall receive per diem,subsistence and travel expenses at the rate set forth in G.S. 138‑5.
(h) The Department of Administration shall provide necessaryclerical equipment and administrative services to the Council, provided theCouncil may hire and discharge its own staff if it so desires. (1983, c. 923, s. 205; 1987, c. 876, s. 29.1; 1991, c.130, s. 1; 1995, c. 490, s. 19; 1997‑443, ss. 11A.118(a), 11A.119(a).)