§ 143B‑426.37. State Controller.
(a) The Office of the State Controller shall be headed by theState Controller who shall maintain the State accounting system and shalladminister the State disbursing system.
(b) The State Controller shall be a person qualified byeducation and experience for the office and shall be appointed by the Governorsubject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The term of office of theState Controller shall be for seven years; the first full term shall begin July1, 1987.
The Governor shall submit the name of the person to be appointed, forconfirmation by the General Assembly, to the President of the Senate and theSpeaker of the House of Representatives by May 1 of the year in which the StateController is to be appointed. If the Governor does not submit the name by thatdate, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives shall submit a name to the General Assembly for confirmation.
In case of death, incapacity, resignation, removal by the Governor forcause, or vacancy for any other reason in the Office of State Controller priorto the expiration of the term of office while the General Assembly is insession, the Governor shall submit the name of a successor to the President ofthe Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives within four weeksafter the vacancy occurs. If the Governor does not do so, the President of theSenate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall submit a name tothe General Assembly for confirmation.
In case of death, incapacity, resignation, removal by the Governor forcause, or vacancy for any other reason in the Office of State Controller priorto the expiration of the term of office while the General Assembly is not insession, the Governor shall appoint a State Controller to serve on an interimbasis pending confirmation by the General Assembly.
(c) The salary of the State Controller shall be set by theGeneral Assembly in the Current Operations Appropriations Act. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1024, s. 1; 1991 (Reg.Sess., 1992), c. 1039, s. 27.)