§ 143B‑437.011. Executive aircraft used for economic development; other uses.
The use of executive aircraftby the Department of Commerce for economic development purposes shall takeprecedence over all other uses. The Department of Commerce shall annuallyreview the rates charged for the use of executive aircraft and shall adjust therates, as necessary, to account for upgraded aircraft and inflationaryincreases in operating costs, including jet fuel prices. If an executiveaircraft is not being used by the Department of Commerce for economicdevelopment purposes, the aircraft may be used by the Governor or a Stateofficial who is employed by an agency that does not have its own aircraft andis traveling on State business. If an executive aircraft is used to attendathletic events or for any other purpose related to collegiate athletics, therate charged shall be equal to the direct cost of operating the aircraft asestablished by the aircraft's manufacturer, adjusted for inflation. (2007‑323, s. 13.3; 2009‑451,s. 14.7.)