§ 143B‑437.58. Grantrecipient to submit records.
(a) No later than March1 of each year, for the preceding grant year, every business that is awarded agrant under this Part shall submit to the Committee an annual payroll reportshowing withholdings as a condition of its continuation in the grant programand identifying eligible positions that have been created during the baseperiod that remain filled at the end of each year of the grant. Annual reportssubmitted to the Committee shall include social security numbers of individualemployees identified in the reports. Upon request of the Committee, thebusiness shall also submit a copy of its State and federal tax returns. Payrolland tax information, including social security numbers of individual employeesand State and federal tax returns, submitted under this subsection is taxinformation subject to G.S. 105‑259. Aggregated payroll or withholdingtax information submitted or derived under this subsection is not taxinformation subject to G.S. 105‑259. When making a submission under thissection, the business must pay the Committee a fee of one thousand five hundreddollars ($1,500). The fee is due at the time the submission is made. TheSecretary of Commerce, the Secretary of Revenue, and the Director of the Officeof State Budget and Management shall determine the allocation of the feeimposed by this section among their agencies. The proceeds of the fee arereceipts of the agency to which they are credited.
(b) The Committee mayrequire any information that it considers necessary to effectuate theprovisions of this Part.
(c) The Committee mayrequire any business receiving a grant to submit to an audit at any time.
(d) The reportingprocedures of this section are in lieu of any other general reporting requirementsrelating to private entities that receive State funds. (2002‑172, s. 2.1(a);2003‑416, s. 2; 2004‑124, s. 32G.1(d); 2006‑168, s. 1.7; 2006‑264,s. 69(f); 2009‑394, s. 4.)