Part 2I. One North Carolina SmallBusiness Program.
§ 143B‑437.80. NorthCarolina SBIR/STTR Incentive Program.
(a) Program. There isestablished the North Carolina SBIR/STTR Incentive Program to be administeredby the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology. In order to foster jobcreation and economic development in the State, the Board may provide grants toeligible businesses to offset costs associated with applying to the UnitedStates Small Business Administration for Small Business Innovative Research(SBIR) grants or Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grants. Thegrants shall be paid from the One North Carolina Small Business Accountestablished in G.S. 143B‑437.71.
(b) Eligibility. Inorder to be eligible for a grant under this section, a business must satisfyall of the following conditions:
(1) The business must bea for‑profit, North Carolina‑based business. For the purposes ofthis section, a North Carolina‑based business is one that has itsprincipal place of business in this State.
(2) The business musthave submitted a qualified SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal to a participatingfederal agency in response to a specific federal solicitation.
(3) The business mustsatisfy all federal SBIR/STTR requirements.
(4) The business shallnot receive concurrent funding support from other sources that duplicates thepurpose of this section.
(5) The business mustcertify that at least fifty‑one percent (51%) of the research describedin the federal SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal will be conducted in this State andthat the business will remain a North Carolina‑based business for theduration of the SBIR/STTR Phase I project.
(6) The business mustdemonstrate its ability to conduct research in its SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal.
(c) Grant. The NorthCarolina Board of Science and Technology may award grants to reimburse aneligible business for up to fifty percent (50%) of the costs of preparing andsubmitting a SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal, up to a maximum of three thousanddollars ($3,000). A business may receive only one grant under this section peryear. A business may receive only one grant under this section with respect toeach federal proposal submission. Costs that may be reimbursed include costsincurred directly related to preparation and submission of the grant such asword processing services, proposal consulting fees, project‑relatedsupplies, literature searches, rental of space or equipment related to theproposal preparation, and salaries of individuals involved with the preparationof the proposals. Costs that shall not be reimbursed include travel expenses,large equipment purchases, facility or leasehold improvements, and legal fees.
(d) Application. Abusiness shall apply, under oath, to the North Carolina Board of Science and Technologyfor a grant under this section on a form prescribed by the Board that includesat least all of the following:
(1) The name of thebusiness, the form of business organization under which it is operated, and thenames and addresses of the principals or management of the business.
(2) An acknowledgementof receipt of the Phase I proposal by the relevant federal agency.
(3) An itemizedstatement of the costs that may be reimbursed.
(4) Any otherinformation necessary for the Board to evaluate the application. (2005‑276, s.13.14(b).)