Part3B. Workforce Development.
§ 143B‑438.10. Commission on WorkforceDevelopment.
(a) Creation and Duties. There is created within theDepartment of Commerce the North Carolina Commission on Workforce Development.The Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To develop strategies to produce a skilled, competitiveworkforce that meets the needs of the State's changing economy.
(2) To advise the Governor, the General Assembly, State andlocal agencies, and the business sector regarding policies and programs toenhance the State's workforce.
(3) To coordinate and develop strategies for cooperation betweenthe academic, governmental, and business sectors.
(4) To establish, develop, and provide ongoing oversight of the"One‑Stop Delivery System" for employment and training servicesin the State.
(5) To develop a unified State plan for workforce training anddevelopment.
(6) To review the plans and programs of agencies, boards, andorganizations operating federally funded or State‑funded workforcedevelopment programs for effectiveness, duplication, fiscal accountability, andcoordination.
(7) To develop and continuously improve performance measures toassess the effectiveness of workforce training and employment in the State.
(8) To submit to the Governor and to the General Assembly byApril 1, 2000, and biennially thereafter, a comprehensive Workforce DevelopmentPlan that shall include at least the following:
a. Goals and objectives for the biennium.
b. An assessment of current workforce programs and policies.
c. An assessment of the delivery of employment and trainingservices to special populations, such as youth and dislocated workers.
d. Recommendations for policy, program, or funding changes.
(9) To serve as the State's Workforce Investment Board forpurposes of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
(b) Membership; Terms. The Commission on Workforce Developmentshall consist of 38 members appointed as follows:
(1) By virtue of their offices, the following department andagency heads or their respective designees shall serve on the Commission: theSecretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Chair of theEmployment Security Commission, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, thePresident of the Community Colleges System Office, the Commissioner of theDepartment of Labor, and the Secretary of the Department of Commerce.
(2) The Governor shall appoint 32 members as follows:
a. Six members representing public, postsecondary, andvocational education.
b. Two members representing community‑basedorganizations.
c. Six members representing labor.
d. Eighteen members representing business and industry.
(3) The terms of the members appointed by the Governor shall befor four years.
(c) Appointment of Chair; Meetings. The Governor shall appointthe Chair of the Commission from among the business and industry members, andthat person shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The Commission shallmeet at least quarterly upon the call of the Chair.
(d) Staff; Funding. The clerical and professional staff to theCommission shall be provided by the Department of Commerce. Funding for theCommission shall derive from State and federal resources as allowable and fromthe partner agencies to the Commission. Members of the Commission shall receivenecessary travel and subsistence in accordance with State law. (1999‑237, s. 16.15(b).)